Formed in 2018, in Rio de Janeiro, based on the synergy of objectives of a group of lawyers, Perez & Barros Sociedade de Advogados proposes serious, modern and dynamic law, within ethical standards, with personalized service and always concerned with the interests of its customers.
The diversity of training and experience of each of the partners allows the firm to offer specialized service in different areas of Law, always with quality and efficiency.
In 2019, it opened its branch in São Paulo, maintaining the mission of quality service, focus on results and effectiveness of services.
Mrs. Perez is a lawyer with an undergraduate degree J.D from the Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ; a post-graduate degree in Business and Economic Law from FGV/RJ; and a Master’s degree in Civil Law from UERJ; being admitted to the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo bars. She is a former Corporate and […]
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Mrs. Barros is a lawyer with a J.D from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – the Rio de Janeiro Federal University. Coursing graduate degree in Regulatory Law and Economic Law at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). LLM degree in Corporate Law from IBMEC, extension courses on Applied Finance for Lawyers […]
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Mrs. Ponte is a lawyer with a J.D from the Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ. Masters of Law by New York University. Post-graduate courses in Corporate Law by IBMEC and CEPED/UERJ. Specialization Courses in Accounting Technique and online courses of Contracts from Harvard Law and others from ENAP, including on General Data Protection […]
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Mrs. Barcelos is a lawyer with J.D from Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM), with a General Law Preparation Course for State Public Prosecution from the Rio de Janeiro Public Prosecution Law School Association – AMPERJ and Personnel and Strategic Planning Course from the Government Virtual School Escola Virtual do Governo (EVG). Coursing graduate degree in Civil […]
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Mrs. Franco is a lawyer with an J.D from UNIRIO (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Graduate degree in Constitutional Law by UCAM (Universidade Cândido Mendes) and in Digital Law and Data Protection by the Brazilian Law School (EBRADI). She is also certified […]
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Mrs. Rodrigues is a lawyer with a JD from UVA. She is certified in real estate by Instituto Nêmesis de Estudos Avançados em Direito – Nêmesis Institute for Advanced Studies in Law. She is admitted to the Rio de Janeiro State Bar. Mrs. Rodrigues has strong professional experience in real estate, conflict resolution, judicial and […]
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Mrs. Cabredo is a lawyer with a JD from FMU. She has a Specialization Course in Civil and Tax Procedure by PUC and JSD in Private International Law by pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Admitted to the São Paulo State Bar. Tax Tribunal Judge in the São Paulo State Revenue Service. Mrs. Cabredo has strong […]
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Mrs. Seixas is a lawyer with J.D from UNESA-R, with a Post Graduate Courses in Tax and Finance Law by Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF and Legal Procedure from PUC-Minas. Admitted to the Rio de Janeiro Sate Bar. Mrs. Seixas has a solid professional experience in judicial and administrative tax litigation, settlement and contracts negotiation. […]
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Mrs. Pacheco is a J.D. from UCAM and a MBA degree in corporate and economic laws from FGV/RJ. Admitted to the Rio de Janeiro State Bar. Mrs. Pacheco has strong experience in making and revising tax statements, in the defense on administrative proceedings at local, state and/or federal income offices, as well as in tax […]
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Mrs. Aigner is a lawyer with a J.D. from UNESA where she also post-graduated in civil procedural law. She has a MBA degree in corporate and economic laws with an extension in labor corporate law by FGV/RJ and has a graduate course at the Public Defense School of Rio de Janeiro. She is currently getting […]
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Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro’s Judiciary Section Review, vol. 21, no. 40, 2014.
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Revista de Direito Empresarial IBMEC – Janeiro, 2003.
In Revista de Direito Empresarial IBMEC Vol II.
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In Revista de Direito Empresarial IBMEC, vol 3, 2004.
Lúmen Iuris, 2006.
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In Grandes Temas da Atualidade: Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação Tecnológica e Bioenergia, 2009.
Revista de Direito Renovar (vol. 43), p. 49-74.
Revista Forense, 407, p. 31-56.
In: BARBOSA, Denis Borges(org.). Direito da Inovação, 2ª. Ed. Lumen Juris, 2011, co-autor.
In: BARBOSA, Denis Borges (org.). Direito da Inovação, 2ª. Ed. Lumen Juris, 2011.
In Revista do IBRADIM in honor of Prof. Sylvio Capanema, 2020.
In O direito no Mercado da Moda, 2021.
In Social Media Law, 2022.
In Olhares Jurídicos sobre Câmara Cascudo: estudos transdiciplinares, Editorial Casa, 2022.
Economy’s Public Law Review, Rio de Janeiro, no.01, p. 261, 2003.
State’s Law Review, vol. 4, p. 141, 2006.
EMERJ* Review, vol. 39, p. 171, 2007.
*Escola de Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – The School of Magistracy of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Quarterly Review of Civil Law, vol. 31, pp. 87 – 109, 2007.
Quarterly Review of Civil Law, vol. 28, p. 257, 2007.